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Oil paintings

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Acrylic and mixed media-paintings








Helga Santel was born in Jablonec, Czech Republic, in 19950 and emigrated to Germany in 1965. In the 1990´s she spent 6 years in the United States. Today she lives in Germany again.


Artistic Training

  • Rudolf-Steiner-Seminar ( anthroposophical school for art education and therapy)
  • College for Teachers´Education in Esslingen, Germany
  • Major in art education and German language studies
  • Training on the creation of tapestries and wall carpets in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Seminars at the Alanus College of Arts in Alfter, Germany
  • Personal art training by Nuretin Erkan, Istanbul


Main focus of practical art work

Her intensive art activities started in 1985 and the creative work can be attributed to three major techniques including oil paintings on canvas, mixed media work and tapestries based on the layering of delicate woolen fabrics.

In her oil paintings she shows people and the depicted individuals reflect a wide range of emotions  and personal relations that tie back into childhood. During the recent two years angels became a major motive dealt with in painting. In these part of her creative work she connects the spiritual and real spheres using gentle and minimal color variations and “sfumato” as tools of expression of such transcendental beings.

In her abstract mixed media work named by her “concretizations” she managed to use the physically almost incompatible media oil and acrylic paint. During the creation of these pieces she concentrates on the technical procedure more than on the reproduction of a mentally predesigned target image that has to be reproduced on a surface. Consequently the final result of the creative process remains unpredictable up to the last steps.

The tapestries are created in two specially equipped studios in Brno and Kdyne, Czech Republic. Water color painting of landscapes or the more abstract mixed media paintings serve as small scale sketches for the much bigger tapestries.  These finished pieces then display the differentiation of patterns and colors on much larger areas. For the creation of the entire set of visual impressions both subtle and major variations of colors but also differences in fabric structure are employed.


Many of her pictures have been shown in exhibitions mainly in Germany, the Czech Republic and the USA.





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Helga Santel (verantwortlich für den Inhalt gemäß § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV)
Hohe Str. 15
51371 Leverkusen
Konzept, Design und Realisierung der Website:
Jens Richter


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